Jerusalem Meeting
Christianity and the Growth of Industrialism in Asia, Africa and South America : Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council, 1928.3.24-4.8. Volume V - 초판 - London Oxford Univ. Press 1928 - 199p. 23cm - Jerusalem Meeting; 5 .
Africa and South America 1928 예루살렘대회 Christianity and the Growth of Industrialism in Asia Jerusalem Meeting Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council
Christianity and the Growth of Industrialism in Asia, Africa and South America : Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council, 1928.3.24-4.8. Volume V - 초판 - London Oxford Univ. Press 1928 - 199p. 23cm - Jerusalem Meeting; 5 .
Africa and South America 1928 예루살렘대회 Christianity and the Growth of Industrialism in Asia Jerusalem Meeting Report of the Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council