근세 동아세아 서양어 자료총서 101-110

By: 경인문화사자료유형:문자자료문자자료출판사: 서울 ; 경인문화사 ; 2001판:초판기술: 600p; 26cm청구기호: 910, 경284ㄱ, .주제 :근세 동아세아 서양어 자료총서 | 동아시아 | An enumeration of plants hitherto known from Corea | Au Japan par Java la Chine la Coree nouvelles notes d'un touriste | Brieux | Elisee Reclus | Frank Herron Smith | Fransis Blackwell Forbes | Georges Ducrocq | Historia de las missiones | Index flora sinensis | La Coree contemporaine | Luis de Guzman | Mathias Tchang | Pauvre et douce Coree | Synchronismes chinois | Tamezo Mori | The earth and its inhabitants Asia
v.101: La Coree contemporaine(by Smith,Frank Herron, eds), Au Japan par Java, la Chine, la Coree; nouvelles notes d'un touriste(by Brieux), Pauvre et douce Coree(by Ducrocq,Georges)/ v.102: The earth and its inhabitants: Asia(by Reclus,Elisee)/ v.103: An enumeration of plants hitherto known from Corea(by Mori,Tamezo)/ v.104-105: Historia de las missiones 1-2(by Guzman,Luis de)/ v.106-109: Index flora sinensis 1-4(by Forbes,Fransis Blackwell)/ v.110: Synchronismes chinois(by Tchang,Mathias)
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v.101: La Coree contemporaine(by Smith,Frank Herron, eds), Au Japan par Java, la Chine, la Coree; nouvelles notes d'un touriste(by Brieux), Pauvre et douce Coree(by Ducrocq,Georges)/ v.102: The earth and its inhabitants: Asia(by Reclus,Elisee)/ v.103: An enumeration of plants hitherto known from Corea(by Mori,Tamezo)/ v.104-105: Historia de las missiones 1-2(by Guzman,Luis de)/ v.106-109: Index flora sinensis 1-4(by Forbes,Fransis Blackwell)/ v.110: Synchronismes chinois(by Tchang,Mathias)

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