
근세 동아세아 서양어 자료총서 51-60 - 초판 - 서울 경인문화사 2000 - 600p. 26cm

v.51: Aus den Waldungen des fernen Ostens(by Hofmann,Amerigo), In Korean Wilds and Villages(by Ber일반자료an,Sten.)/ v.52: Door Amerika, Japan en Korea naar China(by Rutgers,H.C.), Neu-Japan(by Goldschmidt,Richard)/ v.53: Korea(by Lautensach,Hermann)/ v.54: Korea Today, The Romanization of the Korean language, The Yi dynasty Annals of Korea(by McCune,George M.)/ v.55: Under the Dragon Flag(by Allan,James), The Russo-Japanese Conflict(by Asakawa,K.)/ v.56: The Mastery of the Far East(by Brown,Arthur Judson)/ v.57: Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea, 1894-1904, China's intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895(by Rockhill,William Woodville)/ v.58: An Introduction to the Korean spoken language(by Underwood,Horace Grant)/ v.59: Tha Call of Korea(by Underwood,H.G.), Modern Education in Korea(by Underwood,Horace Horton)/ v.60: With Tommy Tompkins in Korea(by Underwood,Lillias Horton), The Religions of Eastern Asia(by Underwood,H.G.)


근세 동아세아 서양어 자료총서 동아시아 Amerigo Hofmann An Introduction to the Korean spoken language Arthur J. Brown Aus den Waldungen des fernen Ostens Call of Korea China's intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895 Door Amerika Japan en Korea naar China George M. McCune H. C. Rutgers Hermann Lautensach Horace G. Underwood Horace H. Underwood In Korean Wilds and Villages James Allan K. Asakawa Korea Korea Today Lillias Horton Underwood Mastery of the Far East Modern Education in Korea Neu-Japan Religions of Eastern Asia Richard Goldschmidt Russo-Japanese Conflict Sten. Bergman The Romanization of the Korean language The Yi dynasty Annals of Korea Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea 1894-1904 Under the Dragon Flag William W. Rockhill With Tommy Tompkins in Korea