Your search returned 234 results.

한국의 독립운동

By Makenzie F. A. 저; 이광린 옮김.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; 일조각 ; 1993청구기호 : 911.065, M235ㅎ.
Korea Woman's Conference 1-6

By Methodist Episcopal Church.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; Methodist Publishing House ; 1903-1927청구기호 : 235.311, M486K, v.1-6.
An American's Vision for Korea in Action : Dr. William Alderman Linton, Founder of Hannam University

By 이상윤(Sang Yoon Lee); 이원설(Won Sul Lee).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 대전 ; Hannam University Press ; 2006청구기호 : 235.311, 이731A.
Official Journal: Korea Annual Conference (1893-1927) 1-5

By Methodist Episcopal church.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Methodist Episcopal church 별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.311, M592o, v.1-5.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Yanghwajin-Seoul foreigners' Cemetery, Korea an informal history, 1890-1984

By Clark, Donald N.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Seoul ; Yongsan RSOK Library ; 1984청구기호 : 235.3, C592Y.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
The Mastery of the Far East:The story of Korea's transformation and Japan's rise to supremacy in the Orient

By Brown, Arthur J.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: New York ; Charles Scribner's Sons ; 1919청구기호 : 235.3, B877M.
Protestant Missionaries in Korea, 1893-1983

By Clark, Allen D.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; 대한기독교출판사(The Christian Literature Society of Korea) ; 1987청구기호 : 235.311, C592p.
Comity Agreements between Missions in Korea from 1884 to 1910: The Ambiguities of Ecumenicity and Denominationalism

By 변창욱.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Princeton ; Princeton Theological Seminary ; 2003별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 236.911, 변423c.논문 주:Princeton Theological Seminary, Ph. D., 2003
Protestant Pioneers in Korea

By Hunt, Everett Nichols (Jr.).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: N.Y. ; Orbis Books ; 1980청구기호 : 236.911, H939p.문고구분 : 이만열문고/ 이덕주문고.
Occidental Literature on Korea: Read before the Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society

By Underwood, Horace H.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; The Literary Department, Chosen Christian College ; 1930청구기호 : 235.311, U56o.
Ambassador in Chains: The Life of Bishop Patrick James Byrne (1888-1950) Apostolic Delegate to the Republic of Korea

By Lane, Raymond A.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: New York ; P. J. Kenedy & Sons ; 1955별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.3, L244a.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
복음의 소리: 한국복음주의협의회 발표문 제1권

By 김명혁 편.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; 한국복음주의협의회 ; 1986별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 231, 김623ㅂ.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
A Light to Lighten the Gentiles

By Missionaries of the Church of England in Corea.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Seoul ; The English Church Mission Press ; 1895별치기호 : LDJ.청구기호 : 235.3, M678L.문고구분 : 이덕주문고.
The Korea Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church [et al.]

By Jones, George H.; Moore, John Z.; Keeler, Ralph Welles; Noble, W. Arthur.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: N.Y. ; The Board of Foreign Missions of the M.E.C. ; 1910청구기호 : 235.311, J77k.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Oriental Missionary Standard : Japan-Korea-China 1-21

By Oriental Missionary Society.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; Oriental Missionary Society ; 1917-1944별치기호 : P.청구기호 : 235.311, O69O, v.1-21.
Reunification; Peace and Justice in Korea, Christian Response in the 1980s


자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Hong Kong ; Christian Conference of Asia; International Christian Network for Democracy in Korea ; 1980청구기호 : 231.93, C555r.
A Study of the Australian Presbyterian Mission Work in Korea, 1889-1941

By 이상규.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 호주 ; Australian College of Theology ; 1997별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 235.311, 이727s.논문 주:Australian College of Theology(박사학위논문, 1997)
Korea in Transition

By Gale, James S.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; 한국기독교사연구회 ; 1983; 청구기호 : 236.911, 한155, v.3.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Sadie and Arthur Years of Expansion on the Korea Mission Field, 1906-1909

By Ewy, Priscilla Welbon.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Colorado ; Esther Foundation ; 2019청구기호 : 235.3, E95s.
A Prisoner of Jesus Christ in Korea: The First Step of Early Christian Mission in Korea

By Talmage, John Van Neste 지음; Linton Academy in Hannam University 편.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 대전 ; Hannam University Press ; 1998청구기호 : 235.311, T151p.