Your search returned 5 results.

Korea Research Bulletin 1-2

By Korean Research Council.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: L.A. ; Korean Research Council ; 1943-1945청구기호 : 911.005, K84, v.1-2.
Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin 54-55

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Brussels ; PMV Int'l Research & 별치기호 : 사와/P.청구기호 : 230.21, P692, v.54-55.문고구분 : 사와문고.
CTC Bulletin 3-1,2 / 5-3

By CTC Bulletin 편집부.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Singapore ; Commission on Theological Concerns-Christian Conference of Asia ; 1982, 1984-1985청구기호 : 231.93, C555c, v.3-1,2 / 5-3.
Korean Student Bulletin, 1927-1940

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: N.Y. ; The Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foriegn Students ; 1927-1940청구기호 : 230.5, K84.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
EKD Bulletin; Special Issue

By EKD Bulletin 편집부.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Frankfurt ; Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland ; 1981청구기호 : 231.93, E92e.