Your search returned 19 results.

A Historical Investigation of Missionaries to Korea and their Influence on Modern Korean Protestantism

By 홍상태.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: California ; Graduate Theological Union(Master of Arts) ; 1998별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 236.911, 홍247h.논문 주:Graduate Theological Union(Master of Arts) 석사학위논문, 1998
Earlier Canadian Missionaries in Korea: A Study in History, 1888-1895

By 유영식.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Montrio ; The Society for Korean and Related Studies ; 1987청구기호 : 235.3, 유428E.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Personal Reports of the Southern Presbyterian Missionaries in Korea 1-19

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; 한국교회사문헌연구원 ; 1993청구기호 : 235.311, P467, v.1-19.
Call to Mission

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: U.S.A. ; Fortress Press ; 1970별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.4, C153.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association of Methodist Missionaries in Korea 1-7


자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; Korean Methodist Church ; 1952청구기호 : 235.311, M486M, v.1-7.
Missionaries Who Loved Korea; The History of OMF South Korea Field(1969-2004)

By OMF South Korea Field.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Seoul ; Rodem Books omf ; 2015청구기호 : 235.3, O55m.
Presbyterian Missionaries in Southern Manchuria, 1867-1931 : Religion, Society, and Politics

By 박형신(Hyung Shin Park).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Berkeley ; The Graduate Theological Union ; 2008별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 235.312, 박359P.논문 주:The Graduate Theological Union(Ph.D.)
Methodist Missionaries in Korea

By 윤춘병(Bishop Choon P. Yun).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 서울 ; The Institute for History of the Korean Methodism ; 1989청구기호 : 235.311, 윤537m.
A Light to Lighten the Gentiles

By Missionaries of the Church of England in Corea.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Seoul ; The English Church Mission Press ; 1895별치기호 : LDJ.청구기호 : 235.3, M678L.문고구분 : 이덕주문고.
Beyond Dichotomy: The Wholistic Mission Understanding of The Australian Presbyterian Missionaries and Its Contribution to The Korean Mission, 1889-1942

By 정병준.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Melbourne ; Melbourne College ; 2004별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 235.311, 정233b.논문 주:Melbourne College(신학박사학위논문, 2004)
Biographies of Korea Missionaries of The PCV

By Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Presbyterian Church of Victoria 청구기호 : 235.3, 정233ㅎ-b.
Contesting Obligations : American Missionaries, Korean Christians, and the State(s), 1884-1919

By 차성광(Sung Kwang Cha).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Los Angeles ; University of California ; 2011별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 236.911, C426c.논문 주:University of California(Ph.D.)
The Indigenization of Christianity in Korea: North American Missionaries' Attitudes Towards Korean Religions, 1884-1910

By 옥성득(Sung-Deuk Oak) 지음.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Boston ; Boston Univ. ; 2002별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 236.911, 옥343i.문고구분 : 이만열문고.논문 주:Boston Univ. The Presbyterian Theological Seminary(The degree of Doctor of Theology)
Board Circular Letter to Missionaries

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 미간행자료 별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.3, B662.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
American Missionaries in China: Papers from Harvard Seminars

By Liu, Kwang-Ching.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Cambridge ; Harvard University Press ; 1970청구기호 : 235.412, L783a.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Preston Paper 1-2

By Preston, John Fairman.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: 미간행자료 별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.3, P937, v.1-2.문고구분 : 이만열문고.