Your search returned 3 results.

South Korea: Dissent within the Economic Miracle

By Ogle, George E.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: New Jersey ; Zed Books Ltd ; 1990청구기호 : 320.911, O35s.
Missionaries Who Loved Korea; The History of OMF South Korea Field(1969-2004)

By OMF South Korea Field.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Seoul ; Rodem Books omf ; 2015청구기호 : 235.3, O55m.
Born-Again in Korea: The rise and character of revivalism in South Korea, 1885-1988

By Lee, Timothy S.(이상훈).

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Chicago ; Univ. of Chicago ; 1996별치기호 : TD.청구기호 : 236.911, L135b.문고구분 : 이만열문고.논문 주:Univ. of Chicago(Ph.D.)