Your search returned 3 results.

American Protestant Missionaries in Korea, 1882~1910: A Critical Study of Missionaries and Their Involvement in Korean-American Relations and Korean Politics

By 류대영(Dae Young Ryu) 지음.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Nashville(Tennessee) ; The Graduate School of Vanderbilt University ; 1998별치기호 : YMY/TD.청구기호 : 235.311, 류131a.문고구분 : 이만열문고.논문 주:The Graduate School of Vanderbilt University (the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy)
Errand to the World: American Protestant Thought and Foreign Missions

By Hutchison, William R.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Chicago ; University of Chicago Press ; 1987청구기호 : 235.442, H974e.문고구분 : 이만열문고.
Earthen Vessels: American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions, 1880-1980

By Carpenter, Joel A.; Shenk, Wilbert R. 편.

자료유형:문자자료 문자자료 출판사: Michigan ; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company ; 1990별치기호 : YMY.청구기호 : 235.342, C239e.문고구분 : 이만열문고.